Pink color war blood
Pink color war blood

pink color war blood

Without access to the Ilum crystals found within easy reach of the original Jedi Order, the New Jedi Order took inspiration from their founder, Luke Skywalker, and made due with whatever crystals they could acquire. Purple, yellow and orange sabers still saw some use after the fall of the Jedi Order, an event also known by the term “Order 66,” but these sabers were few and far between, often passed down through generations.ĭuring the First Galactic Civil War in 43 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), the crystals that were crucial to the completion of building a lightsaber were made contraband by the Galactic Empire. While this is how things started, green and blue soon became common colors among all Jedi due to a combination of easy access to those colors of crystal and personal preference.

pink color war blood

Yellow sabers were the badge of office for Jedi Sentinels, individuals who pursued a synthesis of the material and spiritual.Green sabers were carried by Jedi Consulars, individuals who were more attuned to the spiritual aspects of the Force and resisting the Dark Side.Blue sabers were used by Jedi Guardians, Jedi who were most adept at physical invocation of the Force.In the year 4,000 BBY (an in-world dating system that indicates this began four millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin), the Jedi Order used lightsaber color as a signifier of rank. There is actually quite a lengthy list of differently-colored lightsabers across all of Star Wars media. So What is the Significance of a Given Lightsaber Color? Within the context of media like video games, color can signify the rarity of a crystal, in cases where lightsaber components are treated as treasure, to reflect a player’s personal tastes or to indicate certain special abilities have been achieved within that specific game. A power cell focuses light through the crystals contained within and the user can simply dial the beam out when he wishes to use the “civilized weapon.” While Legends material claims that the red of a Sith saber came from the use of red synthetic crystals as a cost-saving measure that also yielded more power, the new Canon is that this red coloration is from the negative emotional influence of the Dark Side of the Force that bled into whatever crystal the Sith was attuning to and thus turning the gem a red color. From a Lore Perspectiveįrom a lore perspective, the color of a saber’s beam is dependent upon the crystal or crystals placed within the handle. Jackson’s character, Jedi Master Mace Windu, Jackson wanted his character’s saber to have a distinct color so that the audience could always tell where he was in the massive battles of the prequel films. Conversely, Luke Skywalker’s two lightsabers were colored green and blue, the colors most commonly attributed to our planet and its many lifeforms. Asajj Ventress, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, all of these antagonists were given red sabers. With the exception of sabers stolen from Jedi and used by antagonists, the beam color for every villain in the films and television shows has been red – a color long associated with blood. From a Cinematic Perspectiveįrom a cinematic perspective, it makes it very easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. There are a few reasons for the existence of multiple saber colors. Why Are the Colors Different to Begin With? This article will seek to explain the significance behind these colors, while also touching upon the distinction between the explanation within Canon material and within Legends material, the latter of which is the various facets of the Star Wars Expanded Universe that were mostly removed from Canon upon Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars from its creator, George Lucas. As the construction of a lightsaber is somewhat up to its bearer, this results in multiple colors of lightsabers.

pink color war blood

Notably, the blade of a lightsaber is not something that comes from some store, every force user must undergo a pilgrimage in order to fabricate his personal saber. Star Wars has been a part of popular culture since “A New Hope” hit theaters in 1977 and in all of that time, the lightsaber would arguably be the most iconic physical item of the franchise.

Pink color war blood